Julie T. Anné Zeig, Ph.D.
Internationally Renowned Psychologist, Eating Disorder Expert & Speaker
Julie T. Anné Zeig, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Eating Disorder & Complex Trauma Expert and the enthusiastic Founder and Clinical Director of A New Beginning, LLC. “Dr. Julie” is also the Co-Founder of TheHealthyWeighOut, LLC, an innovative “No-Diets!” approach to the treatment of Binge Eating Disorder, emotional eating, and associated issues with weight.
Recognized for her exemplary work in the field of Eating Disorders, Dr. Anné Zeig was invited to join the esteemed Faculty of Mayo Clinic School of Medicine where she co-created and delivers the Intro to Psychiatry course on Eating Disorders and serves as a Consultant and Guest Lecturer in the areas of eating disorders, body-image and emotion-driven issues of weight.
A trailblazer in the dual specialty areas of Complex Trauma & Eating Disorders, Dr. Julie has created a Reparative Model of FULL Recovery which includes her Strategic – Attachment Repair Therapy (S-ART)™. As a Master therapist and innovative educator, Dr. Julie has been invited to teach throughout the world; speaking, consulting and providing professional trainings in her niche specialty area of Complex Trauma-Driven Disordered Eating™ in: Italy, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, China, Spain and Mexico.
Dr. Anné Zeig’s inspirational work can, additionally, be found throughout various publications, podcasts and educational videos.
To learn more about Dr. Anné Zeig’s professional consultation services, workshops, and upcoming engagements, go to: drjulietannezeig.com.

Esteemed Psychologist, with a Heart for HEALING
For the past 30+ years, Dr. Anné Zeig has invigorated the field of Psychology with her personal brand of passion, skill and unprecedented HOPE, helping clients and training professionals in her unique therapeutic approach which brings individuals to a space of complete and lasting change.
“In my thirty years of medical practice, I’ve never met a more effective and insightful therapist as Dr. Julie Anné Zeig.” — Connie Mariano, MD, Former White House Physician
While Dr. Anné Zeig wears “many hats” in her multi-faceted professional roles, her primary love is the art of psychotherapy. Through her warmth, attunement and unprecedented therapeutic skill, Dr. Anné Zeig creates a healing space of complete and reparative interpersonal trust, where her clients feel valued, respected, heard, seen ~ and emotionally safe. Oftentimes, for the very first time,
Within this compassion-filled and reparative therapeutic relationship, Dr. Julie assesses for the potential presence of early attachment wounds, trauma, neglect and/or the aftereffects of being under-parented or raised within a narcissistic family system; underlying issues which can DRIVE seemingly “resistant” disordered behavior. Until they are HEALED.
Working in the “here and now,” Dr. Julie works to gently yet comprehensively repair historical complex trauma attachment wounds. Life-changing HEALING which then allows clients to cultivate a healthy relationship with their body, with their emotions, with food, with others, and a reparative attachment relationship ~ with their Self.
Dr. Anné’s innovative framework for effective psychotherapy has been developed over 30+ years of poignant professional experience, personal healing and growth, and the eclectic theoretical perspectives of: Existential, Attachment, Psychodynamic, Experiential, Interpersonal, Self Psychology, Gestalt, Intrapersonal & Parts work, and Jungian approaches.
Dr. Anné Zeig is, additionally, trained in both “standard protocol” EMDR, and “modified” Attachment-Focused EMDR, having been directly trained by the founder of AF-EMDR, Dr. Laurel Parnell.
Dr. Anné Zeig is also trained in Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) and utilizes this approach in both individual and couples / marital therapy.
In addition to her specialized work in the interwoven areas of complex trauma and eating disorders, Dr. Anné Zeig enjoys working with clients struggling to overcome: codependency, over functioning, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, a dysfunctional family-of-origin history, life-stage issues and with couples seeking to regain a lost sense of joy and fulfillment in their relationship.
“Living life with a core sense of worth, empowering self-esteem and the confidence to unapologetically be who you are truly meant to be, is a gift.
For those fortunate enough to have attained these gifts through healthy early life experiences of safety and love, there is gratitude. For those who were not so fortunate, there is a life-changing opportunity, called ‘therapy.’” Dr. Julie T. Anné Zeig
Eating Disorder On-Air Psychologist
Dr. Anné Zeig is an acclaimed Eating Disorder Expert whose work is frequently featured in the media.
Dr. Julie can be found educating and inspiring viewers to be “Healthy from the Inside-Out” during her regular media segment on TV3 Good Morning Arizona.
Click here to watch a playlist of Dr. Julie’s Good Morning Arizona segments.
Additionally, Dr. Anné Zeig was featured as one of three top national eating disorder specialists on E! Network’s critically acclaimed documentary series, “What’s Eating You.” Dr. Julie has also worked with the cast of abc’s Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. Lastly, she has served as an eating disorder and body-image Health Expert on the Medical Advisory Board of EmpowHER Media.
Dr. Julie has additionally appeared on innumerous news and radio stations such as: abc15, kpnx15, azfamily3, KTAR, etc. and is proud to be the most frequent featured guest on the popular radio show, “House Calls,” hosted by Former White House Physician, Dr. Connie Mariano.
Telehealth Privileges Across 40+ States
Dr. Anné Zeig is thrilled to be licensed to provide psychological services via telehealth with clients residing in 40+ approved PsyPact states. For a list of approved PsyPact states, click here,
Dr. Anné Zeig received her Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology – San Diego and her bachelor’s degree and doctoral clinical training from Arizona State University. Dr. Anné Zeig has been Board licensed in the state of Arizona since 1993.
We hope you enjoy this “Healthy from the Inside-Out” segment on Good Morning Arizona!
Mid-Life Eating Disorders
Dr. Julie’s Latest Podcast with Dr. Joan Neehall:
Eating Disorders, Complex Trauma and HOW Compassion-Driven Medical & Therapeutic Care CAN Fully Heal
Want to be inspired?
Dr. Julie’s Latest (Heartfelt!) Blog: My Lolo: With Gratitude and Love
Dr. Julie has a full library of media segments, podcasts, videocasts with Dr. Southard, and educational videos.
Subscribe to our Youtube channel at: Eating Disorder Recovery for A New Beginning.
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