Recovery Skills in Action

Do you struggle to incorporate recovery behaviors while participating in everyday life?

Have you learned recovery skills, but have a hard time applying them?

Do you feel lost without a recovery “roadmap” when at home?  

At A New Beginning, we know that what may seem straight-forward and reasonable while sitting in the safety of your therapist’s office, can feel daunting and overwhelming once you are back in the less-unstructured environment of your home.  Yet, most of your recovery work occurs outside of a therapist’s office.

Our Recovery Skills In Action group is designed to help you develop an individualized, structured plan for success, outside of the therapy office!  If you are currently engaged in recovery-focused treatment for an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, emotional eating, binge eating disorder), anxiety, and/or depression, this group is designed to help you develop skills and a structured plan that will aid in creating successful follow-through of recovery behaviors throughout the week while at home, and on your own.

Unlike most didactic groups that focus merely on teaching skills, this group takes what you’ve learned in your therapist’s or dietitian’s office and helps you apply the skills in your everyday life and/or situations, so that you have structure and an effective roadmap to rely upon, so you can be successful with behavioral change when at home.  

Within a safe, supportive group atmosphere, participants work together and alongside a therapist to: 

  1. Identify specific recovery goals;
  1. Learn strategies/skills to support your recovery goals;
  1. Problem-solve barriers and create a plan to utilize your skills so as to achieve successful behavioral change.

Because this group is focused on skills application in everyday life, the material covered in each session is determined by each group member’s needs on any given day. Topics of learning may include: 

  • Coping skills (taken from evidence-based modalities, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT))
  • Weekend goal-setting and planning
  • Grocery shopping/meal planning strategies
  • Relationship/communication goals
  • Navigating special events/holidays
  • Coping with body image dissatisfaction 
  • Reducing eating disorder behaviors

This group meets weekly for 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of group members). It is open to adult men and women (ages 18+) who are currently engaged in recovery-focused treatment for an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, emotional eating, binge eating disorder), depression, and/or anxiety. Consistent, weekly attendance is requested, for a minimum of 4-weeks.

Prior to joining, all prospective participants are asked to complete a free 30-minute assessment with the group facilitator to ensure the group will be a mutually good fit.

This group is led by Dr. Amanda Kaplan.  Dr. Amanda is particularly skilled in the areas of: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and has worked with hundreds of people committed to achieving a lifetime of recovery.

DAY: Fridays

TIME: 10:00 – 11:30am

COST: $65. per group session

FACILITATED BY: Amanda Kaplan, Psy.D.




