The Overfunctioning Woman in Love

**New in-person session starting October 16, 2024**

The Overfunctioning Woman in Love…
  • Does for her partner what they can and should be doing for themselves
  • Carries the bulk of the relationship “load” by herself
  • Feels stuck in a one-sided relationship dynamic with an Underfunctioning partner
  • Struggles with thoughts of ending the relationship because it’s so unfulfilling, yet desperately longs to keep the relationship intact
  • Experiences a rich array of distressing emotions towards her partner, including anger, sadness, loneliness, overwhelm, guilt, apathy, and resentment

This one-sided relationship dynamic can feel very crazy-making, as you pour more and more of yourself into the relationship hoping for reciprocated effort and change on their part…only to get less and less from them. You find yourself walking on eggshells simply to keep the peace, dodging defensive responses any time you do risk to bring something up, and picking up their slack as they continue to lead with selfishness and immaturity.

If this describes you, then you are very likely an Overfunctioning Woman in Love with an Underfunctioning Partner! And this group was made for you.

In this group, Overfunctioning Women will have an emotionally safe space to unpack the complicated and confusing dynamics of this type of love relationship. Each week we will focus on a different aspect of Overfunctioning in Love, and explore (a) how this shows up in your relationship, (b) how to step back from this aspect of Overfunctioning, (c) how to manage the inevitable ‘consequences’ of stepping back, and (d) how to step in and nurture your Self-Restoration despite what your partner does or doesn’t do. We’ll also cover special topics like how you became an Overfunctioning Woman, how to support your kids through this process, how to know what you want and need moving forward.

This group is open to adult women (18+ yrs) who resonate with the definition of Overfunctioning Woman in Love, and who are currently in a love relationship and want to actively work to understand and resolve their Overfunctioning tendencies. By the end of this group, women will be given the tools to connect with their confidence, self-respect, and personal power so that they can move towards Self-Restoration and make brave decisions that support the life they desire.

Facilitated by: Dr. Ashley Southard

Dates: Every Wednesday from October 16 – December 11, 2024 (8-week group, no session on 11/27)

Day and Time: Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:30pm

Location: In-person at A New Beginning in Scottsdale

Cost: $85/group session

Group Size: Maximum of 8 participants

Prior to joining group, all prospective participants are asked to complete a free 30-minute assessment with the group facilitator to ensure that this group is the right fit for you. Please contact our Client Care Coordinator to schedule this assessment ~ (480) 941-4247 or [email protected].


If you want to learn more about Dr. Ashley’s work with the Overfunctioning Woman in Love, be sure to check out her very popular Instagram page