Unraveling the Diet Mentality Around Weight
Navigating weight issues in today’s world is confusing.
If you find yourself Googling “Best Way to Lose Weight” and find so much conflicting information that makes your head spin, this group is perfect for you!
Fad diets aren’t sustainable long term ~ you’ve been there, done that! And you’re not looking for drastic or highly restrictive diets anymore.
Perhaps you are starting to understand that your mindset with food is an area of importance, but you’re not sure how to even start to unravel what you’ve learned/heard/been told around food and weight.
In this group you will learn the science of metabolism and nutrition in regards to weight and health, steps & strategies to unravel the diet mentality, and how to cultivate a healthy mindset with food while pursuing healthy and sustainable weight loss efforts.
Each session will include an educational component, conversations surrounding the topic of the week, and a Q&A.
Week 1: Identifying the Diet Mentality around Weight
Week 2: Unraveling the Diet Mentality: Finding Neutrality with Food & Learning Parts of Intuitive Eating
Week 3: Unraveling the Diet Mentality: Making Peace with Food
Week 4: Feelings & Food
Week 5: Science of Metabolism & Weight
Week 6: Science of Nutrition & Weight –> What is the connection?
Week 7: Coming Full Circle: How a Healthy Mindset with Food Can Coexist with Pursuing Weight Loss
Facilitated by: Caitlin Winsor, RDN, Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian
Dates: Every Wednesday from October 2 – November 13, 2024 (7-week group)
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
Location: In-person at A New Beginning in Scottsdale
Group Cost: $85/group session
Group Size: Maximum of 8 participants
Prior to joining group, all prospective participants are asked to complete a free 30-minute assessment with the group facilitator to ensure that this group is the right fit for you. Please contact our Client Care Coordinator to learn more about joining this group ~ (480) 941-4247 or contact@anewbeginning.com.