Caitlin Winsor, MEd, RDN

Caitlin Winsor, MEd, RDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in the treatment of all eating disorders, weight issues, and overcoming food noise. Her intention is to help you develop a healthy mindset with food, regardless if your goal is to overcome an eating disorder, improve your overall nutrition, or to engage in healthy weight loss behaviors. Caitlin enjoys working alongside adolescents and adults, including their families and loved ones. She respects and values individuality in her clients, understanding each client has different needs, desires, and goals. She sees herself as part of the healing journey and believes it is an honor and privilege to work with her clients. Caitlin has worked in multiple treatment facilities throughout the Valley at all levels of care, including inpatient, residential, and outpatient centers, giving her a diverse range of experience and expertise.

Caitlin understands how vulnerable and courageous it is to seek support and has the utmost respect for her clients. Her goal for each interaction with her clients is for them to feel seen, heard, and understood. Caitlin utilizes a compassionate, creative, flexible, and individualized approach. She loves the science of metabolism and nutrition and will utilize her education with her clients to allow them to understand their bodies and unique nutritional needs. Caitlin offers experiential opportunities to help her clients find their version of food freedom. She understands that each client has different nutrition challenges, food preferences, and individualized nutrition needs, which she honors and respects.

As a recovered individual herself, she believes in full recovery and will remain hopeful for her clients throughout their journey. She knows that resistance in recovery is a normal part of the process and that the eating disorder has a function in their life. Caitlin will celebrate her clients’ victories and validate the work they are doing. She honors all parts of the recovery process.

Caitlin is a Registered Dietitian in the state of Arizona. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Keene State College, completed her dietetic internship at College of Saint Elizabeth, and recently completed her masters degree in health education specializing in eating disorders.

Want to learn more about how Caitlin approaches her nutritional work with clients? Check out the video below: