Posts Posts by: "Dr. Ashley Southard"

Do you consider yourself to have “poor body image”? For many, this means feeling dissatisfied with how your body looks and feels. You may obsessively compare your body to others, and/or hyperfocus on all of the flaws you see in your own body. Poor body image can be a very distressing and all-consuming…(Read More)

Do you find yourself eating when you’re not hungry? Do you know what you should eat, but then find yourself eating foods that leave you feeling sick, ashamed, or numb? If you answered “yes” to these questions then you may be an emotional eater. Emotional eating is just that — eating for emotional reasons, rather…(Read More)

I am the mom of a beautiful, young girl. She is precocious, loving, and insanely curious. She thinks her body is pretty great – never lamenting her thighs, or obsessing over a blemish on her skin, or worrying about what size clothes she’s wearing. I wish I could keep this innocence in her forever, but…(Read More)

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had several conversations with clients about the importance of hobbies – activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and intrigue. For many, eating has become a sort of hobby, almost like a form of entertainment or an activity that they look forward to on a regular basis. When we…(Read More)

Perhaps you’ve taken the vow “til death do us part” with your spouse or settled down with a life partner. Maybe you pride yourself on your commitment and loyalty to your partner, never straying from the relationship with another man or woman. But…if you are in a committed relationship AND affected by an…(Read More)

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Dr. Ashley Southard

Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Dr. Ashley Southard is a Complex Trauma Therapist and Eating Disorder Expert. Check her out on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for heartfelt inspiration and life-changing education.