In the past, as the mother of two young children, I found myself saying, “Use Your Words!” as I worked to help teach my developing girls how to express their needs, wants and desires in a language that others could readily understand. Now, as the mother of two soon-to-be adolescent girls, I find…(Read More)
Do you consider yourself to have “poor body image”? For many, this means feeling dissatisfied with how your body looks and feels. You may obsessively compare your body to others, and/or hyperfocus on all of the flaws you see in your own body. Poor body image can be a very distressing and all-consuming…(Read More)
Thanksgiving – An Opportunity to be Thankful, Grateful and Mindful By Kristine Bott M.S., R.D.N. For many people, Thanksgiving marks the “kickoff” to the holiday season and is a welcomed time that allows us more focused time to be with the ones we love and to reflect on the traditions and memories we…(Read More)
Do you find yourself eating when you’re not hungry? Do you know what you should eat, but then find yourself eating foods that leave you feeling sick, ashamed, or numb? If you answered “yes” to these questions then you may be an emotional eater. Emotional eating is just that — eating for emotional reasons, rather…(Read More)
I found myself in a quiet moment today, sitting in the realization of something I deeply regret. Not a light regret, but a knowing, despairing regret that cannot be changed, due to lost time. As I sat with myself, alone amongst my backyard peace and the inescapable solitude of my own thoughts, I found myself…(Read More)
I am the mom of a beautiful, young girl. She is precocious, loving, and insanely curious. She thinks her body is pretty great – never lamenting her thighs, or obsessing over a blemish on her skin, or worrying about what size clothes she’s wearing. I wish I could keep this innocence in her forever, but…(Read More)