HEAL Teen Anorexia & Bulimia Eating Disorder IOP – Groups

A New Beginning’s Adolescent Eating Disorder IOP in Scottsdale, AZ ~ HEAL ~ offers creative, therapeutic groups designed to support FULL Recovery from an eating disorder while tending to the special developmental needs of adolescence.  Our HEAL team of specialists designed our IOP to focus on the many, complex facets of eating disorder treatment while working to engaging your adolescent in a challenging but positive, fun eating disorder recovery process!

The following are descriptions of our truly unique eating disorder IOP groups offered throughout each week in our HEAL IOP.


Innovative Eating Disorder IOP Groups: Created to HEAL the Adolescent Heart

Team Empowerment Skills In Action
Social Resilience Boot Camp
Winning the Weekend
From Fridge to Fork
Creating Your Self
It Takes a Family
Recovery Reservations: Dining with Support

HEAL:  Expanded Eating Disorder IOP Group Descriptions


This group provides a safe, hopeful environment where adolescents support each other in creating and navigating a healthy recovery process, alongside a skilled eating disorder facilitator. During this group, adolescents (1) explore factors that contribute to their individual eating disorder; (2) learn strategies to navigate the many challenges of recovery; and (3) begin to build imperative skills that support the development of a meaningful life in recovery. Group topics include: eating disorder psycho-education, body image, strategies for navigating holidays, and developing a positive and effective support structure that promotes recovery.


Teen Empowerment Skills In Action

This group utilizes a powerful combination of innovative skills-based interventions that teach adolescents adaptive strategies for navigating successfully through life stressors unique to teens. Adolescents practice and learn “how to” apply skills that help them (1) recognize problematic thought patterns; (2) identify and cope with a multiplicity of difficult emotions; and (3) develop healthy recovery-based behavioral patterns. The group incorporates skills from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.


Social Resilience Boot Camp

Being a teen in today’s world is beyond challenging! This group creates an environment for discussing complicated social challenges that face adolescents on a daily basis. Topics include: developing empowering & effective communication strategies; ways to navigate the landmine of social media; strategies for managing & overcoming social anxiety, and interpersonal tools for forming and maintaining healthy relationships.


Winning The Weekend

The struggle is real! Weekends can be a difficult, challenging time when you are working hard to recover. This empowering group supports adolescents as they work to identify potential challenges that they might face over the weekend and encourages them to work as a community to develop a successful weekend recovery plan. This group works to empower adolescents and creates an environment for teens to take responsibility for their personal recovery process.


From Fridge To Fork

Eating disorders can change how individuals think and feel about food. In this unique nutrition-based group, our registered dietitian uses a positive approach to nutrition education and creative experiential activities to help adolescents develop a comfortable relationship with food. Group topics will include: exploration of food myths, effective meal strategies, intuitive eating concepts, mindfulness practices and holiday meal support & planning.


Creating Your Self

Creating a positive, multi-faceted Self-identity is imperative to a FULL recovery process! This group utilizes an innovative approach to wholeness through movement and creative therapeutic interventions. Adolescents will have the opportunity to connect with their positive Body-Self through the use of therapeutic yoga experiences as well as utilizing art as an avenue for mindfulness, self-exploration, self-expression, and FULL recovery.


It Takes A Family

Family as core to a teen’s foundational support and positive recovery community, is an integral part of an adolescent’s recovery process. In this unique and powerful group, our eating disorder specialists facilitate a monthly multi-family group and meal experience that provides families with the opportunity to connect and engage in their loved one’s recovery process. Throughout this innovative group experience, families are provided imperative eating disorder psycho-education and taught real-life support strategies, alongside other families who are similarly working to navigate the recovery process with their teens.<

This is a unique and powerful family group experience, offered exclusively by A New Beginning’s HEAL program.


Recovery Reservations: Dining With Support

Our registered dietitian and clinical therapists provide a supportive, fun experience for teens to navigate successfully through recovery meals. Supported therapeutic meals help adolescents to learn “how to” apply nutrition strategies, to practice recovery-based coping skills, and to develop effective food-based recovery habits for daily life and lasting recovery!



To review the schedule of these groups, please click here.

To schedule your FREE intake assessment:  call (480)941-4247 or  email [email protected]