A father’s love is not just love. It’s an experience that will shape how a daughter sees her Self, feels about her Self, and values her Self. Both in her eyes, and in the future eyes of others. A father who smiles at his daughter, shows interest in his daughter, and takes time…(Read More)
I’ve been doing a lot of walking lately. Between the sequester, and the Spring, and changes I’ve been contemplating in my Life, I’ve been gifting my Self with the glory of long, meaningful walks. Sometimes talking with friends, but mostly, connecting with my Self. “Like the pine trees lining the winding road…(Read More)
The long-anticipated email popped into my inbox following a lengthy and Self-disclosive autobiographical application process, and THREE equally emotionally raw interviews. Deep, unapologetically penetrating interviews where EO members delved into the Soul of my business, and the Soul of my Self. “Congratulations! I want to be the first to welcome you into Entrepreneurial…(Read More)
What an incredible time of change, adjustment, fear, lack of predictability – and transition. Transition away from school. Transition away from work. Transition away from social engagements, friends and extended family. Transition, really, away from Life as we have always known it. Including, transition away from the very relational connections that have served to support…(Read More)